

CYN i chi fynd yn flin, gai jysd egluro'n hun?! I ddechra, doedd na ddim internet yn Fiji, ac yn LA nesh i ddim ffeindio lle internet oedd yn gadal fi roi llunia fyny. So dyna pam bod y blog ma (braidd) yn hwyr. Ond, AM bod o'n hwyr, dwi am neud cofnod MANWL efo digon o lunia o'n pythefnos ni yn Fiji - erbyn diwadd, fydda chi mor bored, fyddwch chi'n difaru cwyno o gwbwl! Iawn, awê...

Noson natha ni lanio yn Fiji, natha ni drefndu cyfarfod Guto oedd yn coleg Aber - mae o di bod yn trafeilio ers tua run pryd a ni, ac hefyd yn mynd adra erbyn Sdeddfod. Gatha ni un noson efo fo ar y mainland cyn i ni fynd ffwr ar yr ynysoedd bach (do'n i'm yn gwbod hyn, ond llwyth o ynysoedd ydi Fiji, dim jysd un ynys - ma'r mainland tua seis Sir Fôn).

Nath o roi chydig o dips i ni efo pa ynysoedd i fynd i, so oedda ni'n eitha well prepared! Eniwe, yr ynys gynta i ni fynd iddi oedd Nanuya Lailai, oedd reit ar dop y grwp o ynysoedd. Natha ni gyradd y lle aros, yn disgwl gweld traeth AMAZING, ond hwn oedd y traeth:

O'n i'n siomedig, tan i fi glywad bod ni angan cerddad am hannar awr i ochor arall yr ynys i gyradd y traeth neis. Actually nai gywiro huna: O'n i'n siomedig ac ar ben huna nesh i glywad bod ni angan cerddad am hannar awr i ochor arall yr ynys i gyradd y traeth neis. Oedd o'n dipyn o drek hefyd - dros frynia a drw jyngls a ballu - atgoffa fi chydig o Lost (heb y polar bears a'r holl farw).

Oedd o werth o ddo, achos pan oedda ni'n cerddad drw'r darn ola o jyngl, dyma'r olygfa oedda ni'n gal:

DYNA be o'n i'n ddisgwl gen Fiji! Noson yna, natha ni aros ar y traeth drw dydd i weld y sunset - oedd o reit amazing.

Doedd na fawr o'm byd i neud ar ôl iddi dywyllu ddo, achos doedd na ddim trydan ar yr ynys o gwbwl! Nath Dan drio darllan am chydig, ond nath o'm para rhy hir:

Ar ben huna, oedda ni fwy neu lai yn aros mewn cartra teulu Fijian, felly doedd na ddim math o restaurant - oedda nw'n cwcio brecwast, cinio a swpar i ni bob dydd. Dwi'n gwbod be da chi'n feddwl - sut nesh i fanijo efo huna?! Dwi dal ddim yn siwr, ond nesh i'm gwrthod buta dim byd chwaith - dwi'n tyfu fyny o'r diwadd! (Jysd lwcus bod nw heb gwcio bacon i frecwast! (Bacon di cas fwyd fi)).

Eniwe, fel fedrwch chi ddychmygu, oedda ni ddigon hapus i neud dim byd am y ddau ddiwrnod nesa, jysd gneud y mwya o'r traeth - dyma chydig o lunia:

Ar ôl huna, oedd hi'n amsar symud mlaen - natha ni ddal y cwch bach yma o'r ynys at y fferi:

Yr ynys nesa oedd Naviti, ac oedda ni'n aros mewn lle dipyn neisach fama:

Ond yn anffodus, oedd y traeth yn afiach o gymharu efo'r un dwytha (hynny ydi amazing o gymharu efo unryw draeth adra!):

Lwcus, oedd ddim rhaid i ni dreulio amsar ar y traeth - oedd na bwll nofio yn lle ni! POSH!!

So, unwaith eto, oedda ni reit hapus am dri diwrnod! Braf peidio cal tywod yn bob man os rwbath! Eniwe, o fana, atha ni lawr yn bellach i ynys o'r enw Waya. Oedda ni'n aros mewn lle fwy...cartrefol eto, ond oedda nw'n riiili cyfeillgar yna, a fama oedd y lle gora i fi jysd achos huna! Dyma chydig o lunia:

Hefyd, sbiwch clir oedd y môr!

Oedda nw'n dda am drefnu petha ar ôl iddi dywyllu hefyd, fatha sioeau tân a dawnsiau (..dawnsfeydd? dawnsys?!) - oedd o braidd yn jaman actually, achos oedd pawb yn gorfod dawnsho'n sobor, ac oedd o'n gêm lle oedd na rywun yn mynd allan bob tro - gath Dan drwodd i'r 4 ola, oedd o ddim isho bod yna at all!

Hefyd, oedd y sioeau tân yn jaman, achos er bod nw'n gneud o bob nos, oedda nw byth cweit yn siwr o'r routine - eitha peryg actually, achos oedd y ffyn tân yn fflio i bob man! Dyma fideo - ar y pryd o'n i methu sdopio chwerthin (sy braidd yn tait). Be sy'n ticlo fi di'r ffor ma'r leader yn gweiddi "Bula" randomly (sy'n golygu "helo"), ac wrth gwrs, y pobol sy'n gneud misdêcs!

3 diwrnod yn fana, wedyn symud ymlaen. Wrth i ni adal, nath pobol y lle ddechra canu cân ffarwel. Oedda ni di hen arfar efo clywad hyn, oedda nw'n gneud o bob dydd. "Sorry we disturb!", fysa nw'n gweiddi ar y diwrnoda erill pan oedda ni'n "brysur" yn gorwadd yn yr haul.

Yr ynys ola i ni fynd iddi oedd Beachcomber, sy hefyd yn cal ei alw'n Beach-coma am bod y lle yn known am fod yn y "party island". Gatha ni amsar da fama, braf cyfarfod pobol eto, ar ôl i ni droi'n ddau recluse yn Seland Newydd!

Oedd o'n ynys TINY, as in gellu cerddad reit rownd hi ar y traeth mewn 10 munud! Cwl ddo, union math o ynys swn i'n ddychmygu os swn i'n meddwl am Fiji. ...A dwi newydd sylwi bod gena fi ddim even llun o'na fo. Jaman.

Eniwe, lot o hwyl yna, 4 diwrnod i gyd, ond nath Dan adal diwrnod yn gynt i fynd nôl ar y mainland. Oedd o'n deifio efo sharcod, ond do'm i'm rhy ciin! Oedd o o fewn trwch blewyn i tiger shark 15 troedfadd! Y peth mwya amazing mae o di neud yn trafeilio, fel ma'n licio rwbio fewn! Mae o di anfon y DVD adra os oes gen ryuwn ddiddordab!

Eniwe, nôl ata FI! Nesh i fynd nôl ar y mainland diwrnod wedyn, a mynd lawr i'r de i gyfarfod dau wynab cyfarwydd:

Siriys, dwi'n convinved bod nw'n dilyn ni! Na jôc, oedda nw'n dechra ar wylia efo'u bosus a ffrinida. Oedda nw'n aros mewn lle RIIILI posh (resort go iawn), ac oedda ni'n aros mewn backpackers fyny lon, ond oedda ni'n isda rownd pwll efo nw drw dydd yn y resort! A gatha ni un noson allan ola efo nw - hwyl! Oedd Dan yn dipyn o "hit" efo hen wragedd dwi'n meddwl (Sian, paid a sbio!):

Os da chi'n tybad be sy'n mynd mlaen yn y llun ola, sbiwch yn agosach - ma "Una Murray" yn rhoi ei e-mail address i Dan! Sdyd.

A dyna ni! Pythefnos amazing! Natha ni fflio i LA diwrnod wedyn, a dwi di methu ffeindio internet call ers huna! I neud petha'n waeth, nesh i ddim ffeindio adapter y wlad tan diwadd amsar LA chwaith, so gena fi ddim llunia o'na! Ma gen Dan rei ddo, so nai drio sortio blog LA allan yn FUAN!

Dwi'n hannar gobeithio fydd y blog yma'n ddigon i gadw chi'n hapus am dipyn ddo!


Anonymous said...

Hei! Diolch am y blog hirddisgwyliedig! Un da hefyd - dwi'n licio rhei hir.
Neshi chwerthin yn uchal wrth sbio ar y llunia o Dan a'r hen ferched! A hefyd y llun o Dan yn gorfod dawnsio (sori bo fi mond di chwerthin ar lunia o Dan Gruff!)
Llun effeithiol iawn o'r traeth a'r coconut - neshi licio hwnna lot - DA.

Anonymous said...

O'r diwedd! Well i ni roi enw Dan lawr ar circuit Merched y Wawr - maen nhw bob amser yn chwilio am adloniant. xx

Anonymous said...

blydi hel manon tn gynta eto, on in cin bore ond dodd o ddim ar y we am 8. maraid bo t fynu tan hwyr nithiwr gruff yn neud y blog ma, chware teg i t. blog da iawn ond methu gweld y llunia eto


Anonymous said...

ha, sylw da gen Ler. Fedra'i weld dan yn mynd o gwmpas canghennau merched y wawr yn dangos sleids o'r daith, a gruff fel "cynorthwyydd technegol". Hehe.
Blog da, lluniau a fideo da iawn eto.

Anonymous said...

Diolch i bawb - Endaf, ti'n iawn - mai'n 3am yn fama (nesh i orffan am 2 ond o'n i'n gorfod aros rownd i weld reaction pawb do'n?!?).

Anonymous said...

Nei di stopio tynnu gymaint o lunia o dy draed?! Sgym.

Anonymous said...

ha ha sylwer y sweatpatch anferthol o dan dy fraich yn un or llunia, dawnsio lot y noson yna do!

Anonymous said...

Fideo taflu tan yn hileriys - manw'n gneud llwyth o misdecs!! Ffyni. Diolch am y blog Gruff - ti di gneud fy nwrnod i!

Anonymous said...

o'r diwadd - da iawn gruff!! on i di cal digon o weld "Y Glaciers a.....dim byd" ar dop y dudalen!

edrach mlaen i weld y video heno! ma'r bobol na sy'n canu i chi yn edrach fatha'r math o bobol su mewn film yn fiji!! sa chdi ddim yn meddwl bod nw yn gwisgo fela go iawn na!

Anonymous said...

Rob nath adal y comment - dim rop (di p ddim even wrth ymyl b)

p.s. natho chi dori mewn i'r cwt na su yn y llun - be odd yno fo??

Anonymous said...

Yn y "cwt" oedd na glass eye, film reel, a sgerbwd...

A TAIT ar pwy bynnag nath y comment anonymous am y sweat patch!! DWI'N FOI CHWYSLUD, OCE?!

Anonymous said...

ia fi nath spotio'r sweatpatch, pwwoooh!

Anonymous said...

Ma chwerthiniad chdi yn y fideo tan yn satisfying! Dani gyd newydd chwerthin efo'n gilydd yn fflat robin a endaf!

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

That just about wraps it up. My collection of the very best centre forwards to kick a ball for Manchester Utd before Ferguson's days. Are you wondering why I decided to only include pre-Ferguson players in this list? Actually it's simply because I feel the forwards that have been at Utd during Alex Ferguson's lengthy leadership in charge of United require a write up all to themselves. Sir Alex Ferguson hasn't been short of forwards to chose from. There is a good chance this wont be my last word on the issue. A piece on the strikers who played for Alex may be on the cards. manchester united [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]manchester united[/url] It took a while before United would again savour the sweet taste of victory, but in the nineties and early noughties, Sir Alex Ferguson led the club to eight league championships in 11 years, the last one during the 2002-03 season. The team also made history in 1999 as the first team to win the elusive treble, the UEFA Champions League, the FA Premier League and the FA Cup in the same season. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]carrick[/url] The current home games Manchester United shirt is red with a vertical, white stripe on the reverse. A patch with the words "The Red Devils" on a picture of the club's famous devil mascot is sewn onto to the bottom-left of the jersey. By contrast, the away shirt in use today is white with blue piping at the edges. It has red trim on the neck and the club emblem is on a white background on the left breast. The club emblem is pictured on a white background shield situated on the left breast. The emblem has been altered through the years but was originally designed based on the crest of the City of Manchester. One day Matt Busby was watching a local rugby team in Salford and was impressed by their flair and adventure on the pitch. When he discovered their nickname was "The Red Devils" he decided to attach it to his Manchester United team.

Anonymous said...

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In July 2006 they finally got what they were hoping for when legislation was passed with a vote of 317 to 93. By passing legislation, it appears imminent that the Wire Act of 1961 is going to be updated to more closely coincide with the internet world of today. Basically, the Wire Act states that it is a felony to transmit bets via wire communications. The next step in the process is for the bill to go in front of the Senate. If they agree with the first round of voting it is safe to say that things are going to change drastically.

Nonetheless, the reality of the matter is this: if you don't have a Selection System that is sound in every respect, then you are just as badly off as if you had no Selection System at all! And even if you find a good tipster service, you must still exercise a great deal of caution in making your final selections and look carefully at their success rate for the specific type of tips they are offering. If you fail to do this, then you can be certain of one thing: you will lose all your money somewhere down the road!

Anonymous said...

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What you have to do is, coordinate the numbers that are called out by the host with what you have on our sheet, aiming at filling up a pattern reading bingo. The pattern would be announced at the beginning of the game, so you have to be careful to know what pattern you are looking out for. The cards have the b-i-n-g-o letters on rows and numbers running as a column. A host would call out a letter-number combination, which you would have to mark on your sheet. For example if I-34 is called, you will have to look at the I column down to search for number 34. In case you have it, you place a market on it, and so on.

Anonymous said...

9.) Similarly, chat rooms also offer different incentives. Some chat rooms offer free game for playing and chatting for certain number of hours on their site. Some offer incentives for referring friends to their site. Such incentives offer extra chances to play and therefore, more chances for winning a game of online bingo. You also get to enjoy bingo games for longer periods. [url=http://www.bingokisses.com]online free bingo[/url] Online bingo is a game of chance. However, you can develop specific bingo systems to turn the game odds in your favor. The simplicity of the game offers extensive scope for you to employ winning bingo systems. Normally, every bingo player tries to match the called numbers on the screen with those in his bingo card in little time. This helps you call out 'bingo' earlier to ensure your win at the game. [url=http://www.bingokisses.com]free bingo money[/url] The easiest way to avoid falling victim to a scam is to know the site on which you choose to play. One of the ways this can be accomplished is to talk to other people who play online Bingo to get a feel for the sites they use and what kind of experiences they have had with the site. In most cases, word of mouth is going to be your most accurate means of determining the legitimacy of a Bingo or any other gaming site. Of course, if you are using a free site, knowing about the experiences that others have had with the site is not quite as important, although you do not want to waste your time with something that is unlikely to produce any beneficial results. Of course, a free site is not going to give you much in the way of monetary compensation, and the prizes may be minimal, but for those who are addicted to the game, the challenge is there.
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Bingo is usually played in special halls where many players can play at the same time. The actual fun is the tension building up seeing other players closer and closer to the finish line. However, with the advent of the Internet, BINGO has gone online as well. There are many ways to play on the net, though the basics remain the same. You will have to complete a given pattern before anyone else in order to win. Over the net, you need not shout the computer will flash it out for you. Some online games also have chat attached to the games where you can speak with other players online and have fun right from your home, office or any other place where you can get on the net. Chatting is a great way to meet new people and pick up the tips and tricks.

Anonymous said...

Another issue that you must stay on top of is price fluctuations from the bookmaker. The prices for placing centrebet bets do not just change with different bookies but even with the same. You cannot take it for granted that the prices that are quoted in print like the Racing Post will be valid at the time of the event. With sports centrebet betting things can change very rapidly so be sure that the price will be honored before placing your centrebet bet otherwise this can seriously affect the outcome of your arbitrage sports centrebet betting.
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Another way of identifying the best sports centrebet betting odds is to examine the money lines on the various sports books online. The quickest and simplest way to understand how to compute the odds and comprehend how the money line centrebet bet works is to take into consideration the amount of money one would have to centrebet bet in order to win one hundred dollars. Normally this figure is shown as a negative and a positive with the negative number indicating what one must wager to win x amount of dollars and the positive showing what one would win.
It appears that the United States legal system is closer than ever before to cutting off ties with any type of online gambling within its boundaries. This includes poker, casinos, and sports centrebet betting among others. Generally speaking, anything that has to do with transmitting money via the internet as far as gambling is concerned is being cracked down on quite harshly.
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And finally, in the first article in this series I mentioned being honest with yourself, because one of the biggest lies I have found that a tremendous number of centrebet bettors are guilty of is denying to themselves how many times their Base Bank has been busted! If you too are guilty of this, please remember that until you face up to the truth with the determination to do something about it, you can't expect to turn the situation round in your favour.

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